Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
<ul> <li><strong>Journal Name</strong>:<a class="is_text" href="">Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization</a></li> <li>“Al Khadim Research journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization” Shifts from Bi-Annual to Quarterly</li> <li><strong>ISSN (Print)</strong> : 2710-0227</li> <li><strong>ISSN (Electronic)</strong>: 2710-0235</li> <li>HEC Ranking Y</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: Quarterly (4 issues per year)</li> <li><strong>Nature</strong>: Print and Online</li> <li><strong>Submission</strong>: <a href=""></a></li> <li><strong>Languages of Publication:</strong> English, Arabic, Urdu</li> </ul> <p>The Objective of Journal is to provide the reliable source of information on current developments in the field, to publish quality research articles and making them available to researchers worldwide. The journal will be essential reading for researchers for the latest developments in the field. It actively endeavors to participate in the development of new scholarly approaches and problematics. In addition to original research articles in Arabic, Urdu and English.</p> <p>Therefore, the publication in recognized journal during three years prior to the date of recognition of the journal will also be accepted as publication </p> <p>AL KHADIM Research Journal of Islamic Culture&Civilization(arjicc), published by the Al-Khadim Foundation which is a registered organization under the Societies Registration Act.XXI of 1860 of Pakistan and its place of publication is Matiari Sindh, Pakistan.</p>AL KHADIM FOUNDATIONen-USAl Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization2710-0227The role of parents in the education of children in modern times in the light of Quran and Sunnah
<p>The upbringing of children has always been a cornerstone of societal development, and in contemporary times, the role of parents has become even more crucial due to the multifaceted challenges posed by modernity. This study examines the parental responsibilities and their impact on children’s upbringing, as guided by the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and their relevance to contemporary challenges Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, this study delves into Islamic primary sources, including Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions, to analyse the foundational principles of parental roles in nurturing ethical, moral, and spiritual values in children. The research also draws insights from classical Islamic scholarship and integrates perspectives from modern sociological and psychological frameworks to contextualize the findings. The study identifies key parental responsibilities, such as providing moral guidance, ensuring. Religious education, fostering emotional well-being, and safeguarding children against harmful influences. Furthermore, it highlights how contemporary challenges like digital exposure, declining family structures, and evolving cultural dynamics impact the traditional roles of parents. The findings suggest that the Quran and Sunnah provide timeless guidelines for addressing these challenges, emphasizing the importance of intentional parenting, role modelling, and the active inculcation of Islamic values. The study also underscores the significance of strengthening family bonds and aligning modern parenting practices with Islamic principles to ensure a balanced upbringing. This research contributes to the academic discourse by offering actionable insights for parents, educators, and policymakers, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional Islamic teachings and contemporary parenting practices. It concludes with practical recommendations for fostering a robust Islamic family system that effectively addresses the challenges of the modern age.</p>Arif HussainDr. Muhammad Atif Aftab
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
2024-12-302024-12-3054140A research review of Imam Tirmidhi's term "Hasan Gharib"
<p>Scholars have differed in the definition of "Hasan Gharib" tradition in the principles of hadith, many scholars have given different definitions of it. Imam Tirmidhi also has a different definition of hasan. Scholars have disagreed with Imam Tirmidhi in clarifying the correct meaning of this term. It is actually the result of his theoretical evaluation of the term Imam Sahib. The real situation is that Imam Tirmidhi has used this term in several meanings. This can be known to the researcher who has first carefully examined the original definition of Imam Tirmidhi, and later studied Jami Tirmidhi in such a way that Imam Tirmidhi has applied this term to which traditions. The researcher will understand the correct meaning of Imam Sahib.</p>Dr. Asghar Ali KhanNaveed Ahmad
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
2024-12-312024-12-31544153Concept of Marriage of Choice in Islam: An Academic Study
<p>The Islamic framework for marriage represents a structured institution that serves as the cornerstone of human society. When this system operates seamlessly, it safeguards the community from social corruption and instability. Conversely, any disruption within this framework can lead to widespread societal challenges. To address these concerns, Islamic teachings provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to marriage, offering solutions to many contemporary issues that may otherwise appear unresolved. Islam emphasizes the sanctity of the marital relationship by granting it legal and moral recognition, positioning it as a fundamental societal value. Through the institution of marriage, specific guidelines are prescribed to strengthen this bond and achieve its core objectives, while discouraging excessive and unnecessary emotional indulgence. The Qur’an and Hadith underscore the importance of fostering a morally upright society by advocating chastity and legitimizing intimate relationships within the bounds of marriage. This approach not only fulfills the human need for sexual fulfillment but also ensures the protection of lineage and the continuation of life, thereby contributing to societal stability and harmony.</p>Muhammad NaseerDr. Muhammad IbrahimSana Kiran
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
2024-12-312024-12-31545466A research study on forgiveness, a manifestation of the glory of God and its importance and virtue
<p>This research paper comprises a, Forgiveness and clemency are the perfection of human life, bringing breadth and beauty to a person's personality. This is the path of gentleness and mercy that keeps one safe from all kinds of harm and protects one from all kinds of immorality and savagery. This is also a cause of a person's rise and fall to some extent. Throughout history, every era has given great and powerful nations some respite from oppression, but then they were destroyed in such a way that every era remembered them with humiliation. However, when forgiveness and clemency were found in a nation, they were never deprived of honor and dignity in any part of history. In human history, there are many individuals who have explicitly dedicated their lives to the social and religious reform of their loved ones. Despite such great responsibility and office, if someone else is hurt, they forgive them with their great creation, "forgiveness and clemency," and treat them with even more respect and honor than before. This quality softens even the hardest of hearts in every field. Human history is full of conflicts and disagreements, and it is human nature to have differences arise somewhere. As Muslims, if we analyze the history of Islam, especially the era of the Prophet (peace be upon him), we will see that there were disagreements and differences among the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) and the righteous predecessors. However, they never exceeded the bounds of Allah's command, and they always prioritized forgiveness and clemency. In reality, the lack of awareness of the virtues and benefits of forgiveness and clemency in Islam is the cause of our downfall. Mercy has no limits because it is an attribute of the Merciful, who has no limits, and nothing is beyond His mercy, just as nothing is beyond His power and wisdom. We are all servants of Allah, and Allah demands from us that we show mercy to His creation so that He may show mercy to us. When we are adorned with this excellent quality, we will undoubtedly be deserving of Allah's mercy in this world and the hereafter. This aspect of forgiveness and clemency is so important that it has been made the foundation of good social behavior. In its implementation, even small lies are allowed for the sake of reconciliation and compromise, so that differences can be resolved and love can grow between people. Rights and responsibilities are always changing, and forgiveness is the key to maintaining relationships. However, it is very difficult to be patient in the face of injustice, and one must also bear losses. But the real loss is to deviate from Allah's command of patience and forgiveness. Every relationship, whether between parents and children, spouses, siblings, or rulers and subjects, depends on mutual forgiveness. Socially, intolerance leads to strife, discord, and extremism, which have negative effects not only on the parties involved but also on others associated with them. Eventually, this intolerance takes the form of prejudice and becomes a source of racial hatred.</p>Muhammad Umar Islam
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
2024-12-312024-12-31546790Reliance Ibn-e-Hisham on the Unknown Poetry for The Basis to Nahwu
<p>This paper discusses “Reliance Ibn-e-Hisham on the unknown poetry for the basis to Nehvu” As it is well known that poetry is the foundation of nahwu experts in concluding the law, so that one of the foundations of this nahwu is found in many of their works. Although nahwu experts agree that poetry is one of the agreed upon foundations, they still limit the time and place, so they are reluctant to use except for poetry that comes from certain qabilah and in the istisyhaad era, namely the period between the pre-Islamic era to the beginning of the Abbasid dynasty. As for the period after that, they call their poets muwalladiin or muhdatsiin whose poems cannot be used as a basis. If the use of muwalladin's poems is prohibited, then of course, poems whose speakers are not known are more prohibited because they may come from people whose eloquence is not trusted. And this paper aims to reveal the extent to which nahwu experts obey these rules. And we take Ibn-e-Hisham Al-Anshary as an example in two of his books: syarhu qathri al-nadaa wa balli al-shadaa and syarhu syudzuuru al-dzhahab. And by using the descriptive analysis method, we find that Ibn Hisham in several places in these two books uses muwalladiin poetry and poetry whose speakers are not known as the basis for determining the law of nahwu.</p>Dr. Matloob AhmadDr. Mufti Muhammad SaleemMubashar Hasnain
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization
2024-11-052024-11-0554111The Procedure of Metaphor in the Al-Surah Al-Hood and Younus
<p>This research article “The Procedure of Metaphor in the Al-Surah Al-Hood and Younus” the Holy Quran has employed the vatious rhetoric methods in a way that Arabs have never known before so much, so it was unique and miraculous in its style that the holy quran has employed to explain the meaning that would help in the conveyance of the ideas to the mind of the reader. So Many scholars have paid close attention to the literal figuration and emphasized on it in every era to discover and fond out the literal and eloquent beauties of the semantic embellishment of the holy Quran. In this research Article the researchers has tried his best to find out the Figurative metaphor and its various types in the holy Quran expecially in Sura Hood and Younus. The aim of this research is to sort out the Rhetorical embellishments inside the Holy Quran and its impacts on readers of the holy Quran keeping in view the provision of the related examples of with elaborative statements on the occasions.</p>Dr. Mufti Muhammad SaleemDr. Matloob Ahmad Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Adnan HamidMubashar Hasnain
Copyright (c) 2024 Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization