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Copyright and Licensing
A copyright agreement of some form must be signed before publishing as a matter of law. Some journals demand that writers assign their copyright to the publication. Others accept writers' Exclusive Licenses. Authors of articles published in ARJICC who want to make them open access must sign an Open Access Agreement. Authors of ARJICC articles may utilize their work in a variety of contexts, such as teaching materials at their university and publishing of their own work. Journals have different policies on author re-use. To evaluate the appropriate re-use rights, please refer to the copyright form you have signed or are obliged to sign.
Defending property that is intellectual. Publishers must obtain author consent in writing before they may lawfully publish any article. The societies ARJICC partners with choose from a variety of alternatives we offer—a succinct and condensed description of which is given below—the copyright arrangement they need.
Agreement for the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA). This type of arrangement gives the magazine, society, or publisher the copyright while the author retains extensive re-use rights in their paper. Maximum protection from copyright infringement is provided by signing a CTA, with the publisher acting on the author's behalf.
- A license that is Exclusive License Agreement (ELA). Similar to the CTA, this type of copyright agreement permits authors to keep the copyright in their articles.
- The rights of commercial publication and journal compilation belong to ARJICC or the journal's owner.
Online Open and Open Access Agreements: In order to comply with the requirements of open access publication and guarantee the greatest possible reach, ARJICC requires authors who wish to make their article open access to sign an Open Access Agreement stipulating that the article will be made available under one of the Creative Commons Licenses. How these licenses operate is described on the Creative Commons website. ARJICC utilizes three different Creative Commons licenses at the time these rules were written: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, and CC-BY-NC-ND.
Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA or Exclusive License)
Before publishing your submission, ARJICC is required by law to receive either a completed Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) or an Exclusive License Agreement (ELA). Forms must be completed and signed for all contribution kinds (apart from letters and correspondence). The societies we publish for choose which versions of the forms are needed for their society-owned periodicals. This policy also enables Al-Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization to maintain the integrity of a contribution once refereed and accepted for publication. It also facilitates global protection against infringement, libel, and plagiarism. It also enables the most effective processing of publishing licensing and permissions so that the contribution is made available to the fullest extent both directly and through intermediaries, and in both print and electronic form.
The bulk of the time, you must first wait for your article to be accepted before you learn more about the precise license signing requirements for the journal you submitted your work to, including who you need to send the signed form to (usually the Al-Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization Production Editor for that individual journal).
The Agreement should ideally be signed by all writers, with any extra signatures being added separately as needed. However, in order for you to engage into the Agreement on their behalf, you must have all authors' written consent if it is not possible to collect a physical signature from each one of them. Both faxes and email attachments including scans of the signed original forms will be accepted by ARJICC.
You attest the following by signing the "Contributor Representations":
- The contribution is your own original work;
- everyone named as a contributor has really contributed to the article;
- and everyone who contributed is listed. The Agreement is being entered into on behalf of your fellow contributors after you have notified them of its terms and received their written consent.
- The contribution has never been published previously and is exclusively submitted to the designated journal.
- You have received formal authorization from any third parties with whom you wish to replicate their works, and you have given due credit in the body of your contribution.
- The contribution does not contain any remarks that are defamatory or illegal, does not violate the rights or privacy of others, and does not contain any information or instructions that could lead to harm or injury.
All intellectual rights in any method, process, or manufactured good mentioned in the contribution, other than copyright, such as patent rights, shall remain with the Contributor or, if appropriate, the Contributor's Employer. Contributors are free to use the abstractions again for any non-profit function. ARJICC encourages but does not mandate referring back to the final published contribution when the abstract is used online. The articles may be used by contributors for their academic assignments and in other works, such as theses. The following prerequisites must be completed in order for contributors to reuse figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and chosen text up to 250 words from their contributions without requesting permission:
- Contributions must be acknowledged completely and accurately;
- modifications to the figures, tables, and data must be mentioned. Otherwise, no alterations are permitted;
- the reuse may not be done for direct commercial gain or as payment to the contributor;
- and the re-use rights may not be interpreted to permit concurrent publication in violation of journal ethics. In the actual copyright Agreement, additional re-use rights are outlined.