Counter Narrative on Extremism and Terrorism in Islamic Perspective and Role of Muslim Thinkers in Establishment of Peace: Analytic Study of Pakistan’s Efforts to combat violent Extremism
Islam, Counter-Terrorism, Muslim Thinkers, Peace, Extremism, ViolentAbstract
Islam is the true religion of peace, reconciliation, and harmony, which primarily deals with the sanctity of human beings without discrimination of religion, creed, and ethnic group. The subject of Divine Commandments is humanity which can be derived from the address of Allah almighty in the Holy Quran "O people' 'The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWW said, "The best among people who is the source of benefit for the whole humanity". Pakistan has been facing the challenge of extremists and terrorism since 9/11 and has sacrificed thousands of lives in the war on terror. Despite greater securitization, surveillance, examining, and numerous counterterrorism measures, the problem appears to worsen rather than improve. While there may be success stories of terror plans being stopped and radicals being funneled into De-radicalization programs, the tragic reality is that innumerable young people continue to be exposed to extremist propaganda, mainly through social media. In this paper, I have elaborated Islamic perspective on counterterrorism with the help of divine commandments and a rational approach that Universalism and moderation are what Islam stands for. It is a religion of peace, protection, and human rights; there is no room for oppression and injustice in Islam. In the second phase of a research paper, I have analyzed the academic contributions of Muslim Thinkers to encounter extremism and terrorism. I have also highlighted the narrative of the Paigham-I-Pakistan joint declaration of scholars of various schools of thought to create harmony and peace in the country.
(Surah Al-Mai-dah, verse 32)
[al-Bukhari and Muslim]
(Surah al-Baqarah, verse 208)
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Shaykh-ul-Islam is a world-renowned scholar and year-round intellectual leader. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri is the founder of Minhaj-ul-Qur'an Internationally (M.Q.I), an organisation dedicated to promoting peace with branches & centers in over 90 nations. He is a one of the living example of deep classical comprehension, acdamic awareness, practical wisdom, religion, love, harmony, and humanism. He expertly integrates history with his perspective on the future and creates compelling solutions to present problems. He taught Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, Theology, Sufism, Seerah, Islamic teaching, & several other rational and traditional sciences to millions of individuals in the east and west, including Ulema, scholars, Shuyukh, students, intellectuals, and academics. He has authored around 1000 books and delivered over 570 lectures
Minhaj-ul-Quran International, “A Profile of Shaykh-Ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri,” Minahj-Ul-Quran International, last modified July 26, 2009, accessed March 25, 2021,
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Al-Qur’an 2:256
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