Principles and Conditions for the Determination of Age and Khyar-ul-Bulugh (option of puberty) in Marriage: A Jurisprudential Comparative Study

نكاح میں تعیینِ عمر اور خیارِ بلوغ کی شرائط وضوابط: فقہی و تقابلی مطالعہ


  • Ghulam Dastgeer Shaheen Chief Research Officer, Research Department, Council of Islamic Ideology, Islamabad
  • Hafiz Ghulam Abbas Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bahria University, Islamabad.
  • Khalid Hussain Consultant Ombudsman Punjab.



Marriage, Determination of Age, Khyar-ul-Bulugh, Puberty


Marriage is the first universal social institution and the gateway to establishing a new family institution. Marital life is a pivotal variable in the socio-economic development of society. Legal requirements for marriage differ from state to state. Muslim Family Laws declare the consent of the parties as essential for a valid marriage. The determination of age with the principle of Khyar-ul-Bulugh (option of puberty) is a debatable topic among Muslim scholars. Muslim countries, including Pakistan, enacted a law on it but missed the fundamental principle of Khyar-ul-Bulugh. It is critical to study both principles concurrently. This topic has no concrete determination in divine texts but pended on discretion. It requires a jurisprudential comparative course to understand its spirit. This paper investigates jurisprudential studies on the determination of age and the concept of option of puberty. It examines various interpretations having relevance to society. It denotes the principles and conditions against this concept. It, finally, makes certain recommendations to introduce effective legislation and amendments.


The Qur'an, 176:4

Ibn Dakiq, Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Wahb, Ihkam al-Ihkam, Sharh Ummat al-Ahkam (Cairo: Al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah) 561

Murghinani, Abu l-Hasan 'Ali ibn Abi Bakr, Hadiyah, (Lahore: Maktaba Rahmania), 198/1

Ibn Abidin, Muhammad 'Amin ibn 'Umar b. 'Abd al-'Azeez, Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Dar al-Mukhtar, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 66/3

Ibid. 67/3

Shafi, Mufti Muhammad, Jawahir-ul-Fiqh (Karachi: Maktaba Darul Uloom Karachi), 414/4

Ramli, Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Abi Abbas, Nahyat al-Muhtaaz al-Sharh al-Minhaj, (Beirut: Dar-ul-Fikr), 261/6

Mardawi, 'Ali b. Sulaiman, al-Insaaf fi Marifat al-Rajah min al-Khilafah 'Ali dharm al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Beirut: Beirut, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah), 41/8

Al-Qayrwani, Khalaf ibn Abi al-Qasim Muhammad al-Azdi, al-Tahajjib fi Akhtasar al-Madunah, (Dar al-Bahooth al-Darasat al-Islamiyyah wa Ihya al-Tarath), 346/1

Al-Tsuli, 'Ali b. 'Abd al-Salam b. 'Ali, al-Bahja fi Sharh al-Tahafa, Beirut: Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 408/1

Khomeini, Sayyid Ruhollah, Tahrir al-Wasila, (Tehran: Musasa Organization and Shar'ar-Imam Khomeini), 454/3

Abi Shaybah, 'Abd Allah b. Muhammad b. Ibrahim, by Ibn Abi Shayba, (Cairo: Dar-ul-Kutub al-Misriyyah), h. 16255, 140/4

Ibid. 141/4

Islamic Ideological Council,Majlis No. (194)

Ibn Najim, Zayn al-Din ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, al-Bahr al-Raiq sharh Kanz al-Daqaiq , ( Beirut: Dar al-Ma'rafa), 222/3

Jassas, Imam Ahmad bin Ali al-Razi, Ahkam al-Qur'an, (Beirut: Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah), 52/2




How to Cite

Shaheen, G. D., Abbas, H. G., & Hussain, K. (2022). Principles and Conditions for the Determination of Age and Khyar-ul-Bulugh (option of puberty) in Marriage: A Jurisprudential Comparative Study: نكاح میں تعیینِ عمر اور خیارِ بلوغ کی شرائط وضوابط: فقہی و تقابلی مطالعہ. Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 3(1), 1–9.