12. A Comparative Study of the Curriculum of Kanz Al-Madaris Board in the Light of HEC’s Rules and Regulations
کنز المدارس بورڈ کے نصاب کا ایچ ای سی کے اصول و ضوابط کی روشنی میں تقابلی جائزہ
Dars e Nizami, Curriculum, Kanz Al-Madaris Board, HEC’s rules and regulations, Religious MadarisAbstract
The initially curriculum of Dars e Nizami formulated by Mulla Nizamuddin consisted of eleven sciences and arts, which has been prevalent from the time of Aurangzeb Alamgir to the present day in the religious madrasas of Indo-Pak keeping in mind the various contemporary changes of the time. In the present era, the number of these sciences and arts has reached up to 30. After the partition of Subcontinent, this curriculum has been formally taught in many religious madrasas of Pakistan and as a result, the graduates here were not playing any significant role in the development of the country due to the lack of flexibility in the curriculum. Therefore, during the period of General Zia-ul-Haq, some technical changes were made in the curriculum like some modern arts such as English language, Mathematics, Pakistan Studies etc. were made part of the curriculum and the degree of these graduates was made equal to MA Arabic & Islamic Studies. Now, in the recent past, during the tenure of Prime Minister Imran Khan, emphasis was placed on One Nation Curriculum and the religious madrasas were also required to include modern arts in their curriculum. Therefore, in this regard, the establishment of some new religious boards was also implemented in which Kanz Al-Madaris Board has a very important rule due to its wider range of books included in the curriculum of Dars e Nizami. And further this board’s syllabus along with exams pattern is pretty much as per HEC rules and regulations. So, we will compare in this study the books of Dars e Nizami included in Kanz Al-Madaris with the curriculum of HEC so that the current targets of religious madaris can be seemed and compared based on future goals in this modern era. This will be the first comparative research that will prompt religious boards individually to try to adapt their curriculum to the requirements of modern era.
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