Western and Islamic Perspectives of Welfare and its Impacts
رفاہ عامہ کے مغربی واسلامی تصورات اور ان کے اثرات
Social Welfare, Islam, West, Concepts, Institutions, ImpactsAbstract
Human beings have always had a passion for mutual sympathy, cooperation and its practical forms to play a positive role in solving each other's problems. No era, society, religion or civilization in human history is devoid of these qualities. The difference may be that in a religion, culture or society, the methods adopted to deal with the problems of mutual cooperation and socio-economic ups and downs proved to be more beneficial than others. In this research study, an attempt has been made to examine Islamic and Western concepts of public welfare and their impacts on individuals and societies through their practical methods. The system of economic cooperation in Islam is based on strong foundations and sustainable principles. Many of these have been imposed on states and individuals as well. In the Western world, formal systems were first issued after the promotion of Christianity, and in today's secular Western World Christianity concepts are still there but Social Welfare methods changed. This article presents a comparative study of the basic concepts, principles and effects of public welfare, trying to use primary sources as directly as possible.
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