Sharia status of side puffs (قزع) and cutting (A Research Study)

سائیڈ پف(قزع) اور کٹنگ کی شرعی حیثیت (ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ )


  • Muhammad Waheed U Zaman Lecturer Superior University, Lahore
  • Muhammad Farooq Siddique Lecturer Superior University, Lahore.
  • Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq Director Al-Qurtaba Institute, Pakistan Islamic Centre Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Hair cutting, modern cutting, side puffs, long hair


Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. In the same way, man also tries to beautify himself in daily affairs. “Side Puff” or “cup cutting” is becoming very common in the society nowadays. The word (قزع) is used in a hadith related to this. People in the society are doing it ignorantly or intentionally. What Sharia said about “side puff”? Is this permissible? Was this cutting present in the time of the Prophet? If a person does this kind of cutting which we call cup cutting, side puff cutting, then what is its sharia status? In addition, what is the ruling on such a hairdresser? What is the legal status of cutting and what is the Sunnah method of cutting hair? There is nothing wrong with having your haircut, but it is important to keep in mind that the haircut is within the bounds of Sharia. The haircut should be done in such a way that it does not resemble any non-Muslim, nor does it have the shape of hair in such a way that it imitates a non-Muslim immoral person. Our temperament has become such that they think they are beautiful, they do not have to be beautiful. Because what looks beautiful to you may look ugly in the mirror of another environment or culture.


Al-Anfal 53:8

Al-Tin 95:4

Al-Ma'idah 5:51

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Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasir al-Din, Series of Sahih Hadiths, Number of Hadiths: 1123, Musnad al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, 5583

Ghani, Sheikh Muhammad Uthman, Nasr Al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari, Chapter Qaza means shaving some head and keeping some hair, Maktaba Al-Sheikh, Publisher: Bahadurabad Karachi No. 5, Volume: 10, Number of Hadith: 5920

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Dlab, Chapter Al-Qaza, Volume: 5, Number of Hadith: 5921

Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Drabs wa Al-Zina, Chapter Al-Karahah Al-Qaza, Volume: 5, Number of Hadiths 5560

Al-Nawawi, Imam Yahya Ibn Sharaf, Al-Majmoo Sharh al-Mahzab, Volume: 3, Number of Hadith: 347

Al-Shar'a al-Mumta' Alizad al-Mustakna, Volume: 1, Number of Hadith: 167

Allama Zakariya Deoband, Rid al-Mukhtar, Kitab al-Khatr al-Ijah, Chapter al-Istbara, etc., vol.9, p.594

Ahsan Al-Fatawi 9: 85, Published: H, M, Saeed Karachi, Darul Fatta Deoband, Question No: 67143 20-7-2016

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Al-Shar'a al-Mumta Alizad al-Mustakna, Volume: 1, Number of Hadith: 167

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Al-Qari, Allama Qari Ali bin Sultan Muhammad, Marqaat al-Mufatih Sharh Mishkwat al-Masabih, Translated by: Nadeem, Rao Muhammad, Kitab al-Bas, Bab al-Tarjal, Chapter I: Maktaba Rahmaniyah, Printed by: Little Star Printers Lahore, Volume 8, Number of Hadith: 4426

Milli, Mufti Muhammad Aamir Usmani,

Also: Hashiyyah al-Tahtawi Ali Muraqi al-Falah, Kitab al-Salaat, chapter al-Imamah al-Qadim/165

Also: Al-Bahr al-Ra'iq, Kitab al-Salaat, Bab al-Imamah Zakaria 1/610

Sunan Abi Dawud, Volume: 4, Number of Hadith: 4163

Also: 4183

Also: 4206

Banuri, Allama Muhammad Yusuf, Jamia Uloom Islamia, Banuri Town, Karachi's Earnings , Fatwa No: 389

- 392/L=4/1440 Zakaria Deoband, Radal Mukhtar: 584/9 Date of use: 2019/11/21, Kashif al-Qunaa on text of the Qur’an, Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiya: 1/79




How to Cite

U Zaman, M. W. ., Siddique , M. F. ., & Ashfaq, D. M. . (2024). Sharia status of side puffs (قزع) and cutting (A Research Study): سائیڈ پف(قزع) اور کٹنگ کی شرعی حیثیت (ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ ). Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 5(1), 1–14. Retrieved from