Modernism and Muslim Thought

جدیدیت اورمسلم فکر


  • Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Research Officer, Department of Arabic, G.C. University, Faisalabad.
  • Muhammad Imtiaz PhD Scholor The University of Faisalabad, Faisalabad.


Modernism, Muslim Thought, guidance, Quran, Sunnah, Islam


This article entitled “Modernism and Muslim Thought” based on Modernism. Allah has always existed and will always exist his knowledge encompasses everything, the limitations of time and space have no mening for him, how is it possible for a law from such a God be limited to a specialy time. It is ignorance to take the law given by Allah for granted, for it will always be fresh as the new dawn. This law of Allah basically clarifies the reality of guidance and mis guidance and describes the principles that are not affected by the changes of time, the rise and fall of civilizations and the coming and going of months and years. Due to these reasons, there is absolutely no possibility of changing the theological teachings according to modernity (time evolution). This is what is known from the Sunnah of the Prophet and Sulha. The natural innovativness of man in the motives of leaning towards modernity is not worthy of criticism, provided that it is within the natural limits, because the religion of Islam is also the same nature, that is why the religion of Hanif was declared as fitratullah. The doors of renewal and modernity have always been open in the religion of Islam and the mujtahids have achieved the fact of defining such principles in the contex of Quran and the Sunnah, in the context of which every modern problem can be solved. They should point out such problems where the principles of ijtihad of the predecessors have been insufficient. The principles of ijtihad for modernism exepted in Islamic history and traditionalism for the patent rouls that not exepted change.


(1)Al-Ahzab : 40

(2)Al-Tirmazi, Muhammad Bin Esa, Jam-e-Al-Tirmazi, Dar-u-Salam Al-Riadh, K.S.A. 1424, Hadith No. 226

(3)Ibn-ul-Arabi, Arza-tul-Ahwazi, Dar-ul-Kutab Al-Ilmia, Berut, 1440, Vol.4, P:106.

(4)Muhammad Faizullah, Mishnary Schools Main Mulim Talaba Ka Anjam, Kitab Mahal, Lahore, 2018, P:105

(5)Saifullah Khalid, Saqoot-e-kabul wa Baghdad - Pas Parda Haqaiq, Dar-ul-Andulus, September 2010, P:87

(6)F. Showan , No Activity Without Truth, Mujalah Mutalia Taqabul-e-Adyan, Spring 1969, P:193-230

(7) Syed Hussain Nasr, Islamic Studies, Chap:8 , P:229





How to Cite

Saleem, D. M. M., & Imtiaz, M. (2022). Modernism and Muslim Thought: جدیدیت اورمسلم فکر . Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 3(4), 17–28. Retrieved from

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