The Right to Freedom of Expression: A Research Analysis During the Caliphate of Umar Farooq (R.A)
اظہارِ آزادی ٔ رائے کا حق:خلافتِ عمرفار وق ؓکی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ
Women, Arabian, Protection, marriage, Obedience, PoetAbstract
Freedom of expression is a highly crucial topic. Both suppressing as well as misusing this right is a morally objectionable act which leads to many social issues. Hazrat Umar’s (R.A) rule is believed to be the golden era of human history. Critics are of the opinion that freedom of expression was negated in this period. It goes without saying that in the modern world, the concept of freedom of expression is projected in a narrow and dubious way. This research paper judiciously strives to reveal the indiscriminative and unbiased face of this fundamental right, and categorically clarifies the actual aspects of the freedom of expression in the rule of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A). It has been inferred through research that in the time of Hazrar Umar Farooq (R.A) Muslim and Non-Muslims citizen alike enjoyed the liberty of giving their opinion on social problems, making positive and constructive criticisms to ensure efficient governance. Hazrat Umar (R.A) was always found to be quick in talking stringent measures against any such propaganda that could harm the self-respect of someone and ignite prejudice or hatred against any segment of society. Hazrat Umar (R.A) was the enthusiastic proponent of such freedom of thought or expression that could be pivotal in spreading righteousness and social harmony. At the end of research paper few recommendations have been made to necessarily curb the vitriolic propaganda disseminated under the pretext of freedom of expression. It has been unequivocally asserted that spreading falsehood leads to promoting prejudice, sectarianism and social disharmony that causes social instability and peace lessness.
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