The Development of Pregnancy and Human Embryo in The Light of Islam: A Research and Analytical Review

استقرار حمل اور انسانی جنین کی نشوو نما اسلام کی روشنی میں -ایک تحقیقی و تجزیاتی جائزہ


  • Dr. Muhammad Qasim Ex. Visiting Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Jaranwala Center, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Mubashar Hasnain M. Phil Scholar Islamic Study, The University of Faisalabad


Development, Pregnancy, Human, Embryo, Review, Light of Islam


Allah Almighty created human beings directly through His creative process and after that He Himself placed the power of penis in this human being so that human beings can be born from his sperm in the same way. One of the wonders was that by collecting the material of the earth and by a creative order he created that life and that consciousness and intellect in it. From which an amazing creature like a human being came into being and the other miracle is that such a wonderful machine was placed inside the human structure for the birth of more human beings in the future. The mind is stunned to see its composition and performance. The sperm of a man is transferred to the womb of a woman by the union of a husband and a wife. Has the potential to become human. But men and women are unaware of this and have no choice as to which of them will be able to get the chance to meet the ovum. This is the decision of the wise and noble caste who has the power to sort out all of them and give one the opportunity to meet the ovum at a particular time.


Qashiri, Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, Ibn Imam Muslim "Al-Sahih Al-Muslim" Mushtaq Book Corner, Lahore, 1995, Issues of Menstruation Chapter, Hadith No. 716

Al-Hajj 22:5

Al-Mominoon 23:13

Al-Waqia 56:58-59

Al-Fatir 35:11

Al-Luqman 31:34

Al-Zumar 39:06

Farzand Ali, Hakim “Raising Children” Chohan Bey, Faisalabad, 1997, p. 17

Askari, Ahmed Hasan, Doctor "Giyani", Daniel's Library, Lahore S.N, p. 62

Abd al-Karim, Doctor, "Zindgi Ka Safar" Mushtaq Book Karner, Lahore, S.N, p. 65

Al-Mominoon 23:12-14

Tirmidhi, Muhammad bin Isa, Abu Isa, Imam of “Jamia Tirmidhi” Maktabat ul Ilam, Lahore, S.N., chapter of Taqdeer Ka Bayan, Hadith No. 5

Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Appreciation as Issues, Hadith No. 6826

Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Abu Abdullah, "Al Jamia Al Sahih Al-Bukhari ", Dar Al-Salam Publishing, Al-Sania' Riyadh, Al-Taniyyah II, 1999, Book of the Prophets, Hadith No. 559

Ibn Qayyim, al-Jawzi, “Tahfa al-Mawdood ba Ahkam al-Mawdud” Islamic Dawah Library, Faisalabad, S.N., p. 259




How to Cite

Qasim, D. M., & Hasnain, M. (2022). The Development of Pregnancy and Human Embryo in The Light of Islam: A Research and Analytical Review: استقرار حمل اور انسانی جنین کی نشوو نما اسلام کی روشنی میں -ایک تحقیقی و تجزیاتی جائزہ. Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 3(4), 1–8. Retrieved from

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