Arabic 6. The Reclaction Rhetorical Art in the Poem of Al-Mutanabbi

المظاهر الفنّیّة فی قصائد للمتنبی


  • Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Research Officer, Department of Arabic, G.C. University, Faisalabad.
  • Dr. Muhammad Saleem G.C. University, Faisalabad.


Receiver, Rhetoric, Poetry, Analytical


This paper entitled “The Reclaction Rhetorical Art in the Poem of Al-Mutanabbi” has examined the wonders, semantic and rhetorical styles and the rhetorical construction such as anastrophe, concision, verbosity and all the figures of speech included in the this poetry. Al-Mutanabbi was great master and great genius. His poems are remarkable for this originality and ingenuity. He is an effectiove poet. One of the aims of this paper is to highlight the arts of rhetoric, wonders and the challenging and impressive imagery in his poetry research has adopted descriptive analytical approach and concluded that the statement came according to the situation of the addressee to underpin the stark proof of resurrection and judgment.


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. Ibid.

. Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hadara, Muqalat Fi Al-Naqd-ul-Adabi, Dar-ul-Qalam, Al-Qahirah, 1964, P: 43.

. Aiman Zaki Al-Ashmavi, Qaseedah -Tul- Madeeh Endal Mutnabbi, Dar-ul-Ma’rifa Al- Jame’ia, 1996, P: 183.

. Dr. Muhammad Hadara, Muqalat Fi Al-Naqd-ul-Adabi, P: 43.

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. Aiman Zaki Al-Ashmavi, Qaseedah -Tul- Madih Endal Mutnabbi, P: 84-185.

. Ibid, P: 185.

. Ibid, P: 186.

. Qudama Bin Ja’far, Naqd-u-She’ar, P: 101.

. Ibid, P: 211.

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. Aiman Zaki Al-Ashmavi, Qaseedah -Tul- Madih Endal Mutnabbi, P: 187.

. Dr. Muhammad Hadara, Muqalat Fi Al-Naqd-ul-Adabi, P: 42.

. Al-Ashmavi, Muhammad Zaki, Mauqaf-u-She’ar Min Al-Funn Wal Hayat, Dar-u-Nahza Al-Arabia, Berut, 1964, P: 40.

. Ibid, P: 33.

. Ibid, P: 33-34.

. Ibid, P: 171.

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. Ibid, P: 161.

. Ibid, P: 164.

. Ibid, P: 165.

. Al-Suwar Al-Fannia Fi She’ar Al-Taneyeen, P: 33-34.

. Ibid, P: 73.

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How to Cite

Saleem, D. M. M., & Saleem, D. M. (2022). Arabic 6. The Reclaction Rhetorical Art in the Poem of Al-Mutanabbi : المظاهر الفنّیّة فی قصائد للمتنبی. Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 3(2), 78–89. Retrieved from