Arabic 1. The Philosphy of Death and Life in the Poetry of Al-Mutanabbi

فلسفة الموت والحیاة فی شعر المتنبي


  • Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Research Officer, Department of Arabic, G.C. University, Faisalabad.


Philosphy of death and life, Poetry, Al-Mutanabbi, rational ideas


The article “The Philosphy of Death and Life in the Poetry of Al-Mutanabbi” the poet Abu Tayub Al-Mutanabbi his poetry is exploring after thourghly studies the poetic powers and the rational ideas of this wise poet who managed to bring the language of reason and the language of heart together. When we lackled his rational work, we noticed the initil share of the reform to the classical quesida. He focused more on Philosophical ideas to keep his peers spirit awake especially these living the political decline after the collapse of califot Abbasside in Baghdad throughait his verses one can discover a great master and a great genius. He is an effective poet, a marvelously clevcs and skillful literary artist, who managed to join the antithesis and dexterity together in order to conuinee the reader and keep his spirit always awake.


. Ibrahim Aouz, Lughatul Mutanabbi, Matba’a tul Al-Shabab Al-Hur Wa Maktabatiha, Al-Qahira, P:64.

. Sada-ul-Bait , 4/134

. Aani Bil Aala Hina Ma Yahzur Lilmayat Qabl Al-Mawarat.

. Ahmat Al-Hijazi, Al-Taqnia Wal Mahawar Fi She’ar u Rasa End-ul-Al-Mutanabbi, Majallah Kulia Al-Adab, Vol.4, July 1998, P:296.

. Ibid.

. Aani Mahor-ul-Mu’jum Wa Mahor albaniya.

.Estafadtu Min Taqseem Dr. Ahmad Al-Sayed Hijazi Fi Dirasatuho, (Al-Taqnia Wal Muhawar Fi She’ar Al-Rasa Endal Mutanabbi), P:353

. Ibid.

. Mauqaf Al-She’ar Min Al-Fann Wal Hayat Fi Al-Asar Al-Abbasi, Dar-u-Nahza Al-Arabia Lil Taba’a Wa-n-Nashr, 1981, P:24.

.Mahmood Muhmmad Shakir, Dalyel-ul-Ejaz ( Qar’at Wa Taleeq), Matba’a Al-Madni Al-Qahira Wa Dar-ul-Madani, Jeddah, 1413/1992, P:43.

.Al-Jauhari, Ismaeel Hammad, Mua’jum Al-Sehah, Dar-ul-Ma’rifa, Berut, Labnan, 1429/2008, (Maddah : Hameem)

. Ibn-e-Manzoor Al-Afriqui, Abul Fazal Jamal-u-Din, Muhammad Bin Mukarum, Lisan-ul-Arab, Dara Sadir, Berut, 2004, (Maddah : Hameem)

. Mahmood Muhmmad Shakir, Dalyel-ul-Ejaz , P:51-52.

. Ibn-e-Manzoor Al-Afriqui, Lisan-ul-Arab, (Maddah : Na’ei)

. Ibid, (Maddah : Ibn)

. Al-Jauhari, Al-Sehah, (Maddah : Fanni)

. Ibid.




How to Cite

Saleem, D. M. M. (2022). Arabic 1. The Philosphy of Death and Life in the Poetry of Al-Mutanabbi : فلسفة الموت والحیاة فی شعر المتنبي. Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization, 3(3), 1–9. Retrieved from

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